A Thousand Redesigns

February 19, 2025

Hello and welcome. If you're here, you've found my little corner of the internet. Grab your travel towel and hang out.

I recently redid my website here. I've been meaning to for a while, but I had a hard time pinning down what I wanted to do with it, or even what I wanted it to look like.

As someone who works on The Internetâ„¢, the classic advice is to always be working on a side project. I don't always follow that advice. Partly it's because I believe in brain cross-training of sorts (that's science, probably), and I think there is value in having non-work-focused side projects and hobbies. But that's a post for another day.

But the real reason I often don't...is scope creep.

Turns out I'm a terrible project manager and an even worse client. That girl keeps pitching wildly ambitious projects far outside the scope of the original project, and I do nothing to stop her.

Like say a personal website. I've got a few ideas on things I want to add to this site and how I want to revamp it, but I also know none of those things will ever get done if I scrap it all continuously to redesign it again for the 1,000th time, only to let scope creep happen again, get overwhelmed and abandoned the project together.

So if you too are a recovering perfectionist who is trying to remind themselves to take baby steps, enjoy progress over perfection, and all that good stuff - well, know that you are not alone.


To help with the scope of a very very basic v1 of the project. My name! Literally I could handle just a name, right? So that's what I did. Design up a basic homepage with a cute tag line. Done.

From there I knew I wanted to start out with the site on Gatsby. I do that for my day job but I've never actually set it up from scratch. Could be a good thing to learn. I used a Gatsby starter blog just get some basic structure in place.

(P.S This is very obvious if you visit my GitHub page. That README is on my todo list)

For the hosting/site I tried to get the page set up through Github pages, but I found it more tedious than I wanted for a staticly built site, so I went what I know. And what Gatsby knows. I used Netlify.


The blog for the Gatsby starter blog uses markup, so I am sticking with that for now (again, keeping things easy right?). At some point I might switch to a content managment system - but for now, this works well.

I added some basic tags, but they don't do anything yet. At some point I'll get those to point to relevant posts.

V3-ish and beyond

The future is unlimited, Glinda. In the immediate future is more blog build out. A projects section. Maybe a redesign homepage. But for now, a basic b website and some scope creep tamed. For today.

© 2025, Built with Gatsby. Version 1.0