Hi, I'm Cassi

I'm a Front-end Engineer

Currently I'm a Senior Engineer at Slalom Build, focusing on building with modern web technologies.

About Me

Hey there, I'm Cassi Gallagher-Shearer. I'm a software engineer with a passion for front-end development, UI/UX, and design.

I've worked with technology companies for over 10 years and have spent the last 4 as a software engineer. I've worn a lot of hats in my career from customer service, to marketing, to design. All of which have helped build on a development career passionate about the user expirience.

These days I work primarily out of the modern web space focusing on React, but have also spent time working on CMS-based development (Wordpress, Drupal, Contentful).

When I'm not coding, you'll probably find me hiting up one of our local breweries, hanging out with my dogs, or crocheting cozy cowls.




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💻 Website
Cassi Gallagher-Shearer Portfolio Website

Built out my portfoli website using Gatsby and a Gatsby starter theme.
